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Keynote Speaker

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Our Keynote for Symposium 2020 will be on the subject of Appreciative Advising, from Dr. Jennifer Bloom, who is leading research and practice of this theory.

An Easter Egg is a hidden object in a movie or video game that does not fit in with the script or theme of the production. Dr. Jennifer Bloom finds Easter Eggs when she meets with students. Through the approach of Appreciative Advising, she assists students in finding the best path to success. Through a series of exercises and interviews, students are guided to the best major for their skillset. Qualities in students are quantified– providing value to the student while giving merit to characteristics in their personality. In our keynote presentation, we will share information on using the approach of searching for these Easter Eggs to work with students in an advising capacity. Dr. Jennifer Bloom is Co-Founder of the Appreciative Advising movement. She established the annual Appreciative Advising Summer Institute, the Appreciative Education Conference, an on-line Appreciative Advising course, the process for Certifying Appreciative Advisers, and other exciting initiatives related to Appreciative Advising and Appreciative Education.

As the world continues to change, join us in learning and sharing ways that we can improve student outcomes. In video games, you can level up by collecting items and finding hidden gems. In Appreciative Advising, the advisor and student take a question and answer journey to find the best path of success. Come, Level Up Your Advising Game by learning new skills, new approaches and gain a new attitude to help you do better and be better.

We hope that you will join us virtually this October 23 to learn new skills and become an authority in Appreciative Advising!

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